Student FAQs
Answers to your most frequently asked questions.
We are so happy to have you studying with us. By choosing to study at Endeavour, you have joined the largest community of natural medicine students in the Southern Hemisphere. Turn your passion into your purpose as you're surrounded by like-minded individuals in an enriching and rewarding learning environment.
Starting your journey as a student is an exciting time, however, there's no doubt that it can also be overwhelming. Take a look at a few ways that you can prepare for your studies and the College experience by visiting the current students page on the website.
As you embark upon your student journey, there are a few important items to check off your list...
Setting up your email
Your student email account will be your primary source of communication. This is where you will receive the weekly student newsletter, College updates, key information, important reminders and more. If your Endeavour student email isn't set up already, never fear! Here are five simple tips to help:
Student ID card
All Endeavour students are required to have a student ID card, regardless of whether you're studying online or on-campus. Your student ID is required to sit exams, access library resources, enter the campus and more. Email library.online@endeavour.edu.au to order a student ID card. Library Services will contact you once it’s ready to collect.
Access the Student Portal
The Student Portal is the online platform that support the administrative part of your studies. Here you can check your accounts, manage payments, apply for FEE-HELP, manage enrolments and much (much) more.
Login to the Learning Management System (LMS)
The Student Portal supports the admin, the LMS supports your actual studies. The LMS is where you can access your subjects at the start of the intake period. You can access your course materials roughly one week prior to the start of the teaching period by clicking on the 'My Courses' tab. Click on the subjects and you will see information such as a weekly breakdown on content, subject outlines, assessments overview, connect and feedback .
Check your enrolments
It's important to manage your enrolments so that you secure your subjects ahead of time. Some classes fill up faster than others! If you visit the Student Portal and click on the 'My Study' tile, you can view the subjects you are currently enrolled in. It's also worth visiting the re-enrolment page on the website, where you can find key enrolment dates, guidance and even a video tutorial to help you through the enrolment process.
Answers to your most frequently asked questions.
Detailed information about each subject offered across all Endeavour courses.
Events for new students.
A safe and respectful college experience.
Student responsibilities and expectations.
Endeavour has six campuses across Australia: Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Gold Coast and Perth. Each of our College locations are equipped with campus-wide wi-fi, library and study facilities, a bookstore, kitchen, break-out areas and more. Regardless of whether you are studying online or on-campus, we encourage all students to enjoy the campus facilities and engage with all that Endeavour has to offer.
You can read more about our campuses here.
Endeavour offers a variety of student support resources as well as having a dedicated support team. If you ever have questions, concerns, are seeking advice or would like to discuss your future, we are here to help! Take a look at the support services below or visit the help page.
Endeavour provides access to TalkCampus, a free to download peer support app for students who are struggling or worried about their mental health. It's accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and free of charge for all current Endeavour students. View more information here
Our dedicated Student Services teams are available to guide and support you during your student experience. How to reach the Student Services team:
For support across various departments, log into the Student Portal or raise a ticket via the Help Hub.
For special consideration support for assignments and assessments, complete an application form via the Student Portal. under the 'Special Consideration and Academic Appeal' tile. Select 'Special Consideration’ from the drop-down box, then follow the prompts. Complete the form and submit.
If you are a student who has English as a second language, you may be interested in registering as an ESL student. Registering enables you to receive some reasonable adjustments during your studies with Endeavour. For more information please see the English Proficiency Policy.
The Access and Equity Program connects students to special services or adjustments with the aim of assisting them to achieve their personal and educational goals at Endeavour. You can find out more about the Access and Equity program by visiting this page or you can also book a consultation via the LMS > Learning Resources > Consultation Student Services.