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Showing articles tagged with 'chinese medicine'

Oliver Lejus

chinese medicine

Ear acupuncture and the battlefield

‘Battle acupuncture’ refers to an acupuncture technique developed by a US Air Force doctor, Colonel Richard Niemtzow, for the treatment of American soldiers’ injuries during the war in Afghanistan.

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Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Simon Want

chinese medicine

Acupuncture and its auxiliary techniques

Many people already know about Acupuncture and the use of needles in Chinese medicine. What many people do not realise is that there are a variety of other implements that Acupuncturists and Chinese medicine practitioners have in their tool kit.

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Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Debra Godson

chinese medicine

What is yin and yang and what does it mean for our health?

You made have heard that acupuncture works by balancing yin and yang in the body… but exactly what is yin and yang?

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Friday, 9 October 2020

Alf Zollo

chinese medicine tips and advice

The restorative power of meditation: a reflection

Meditation is an ancient practice that has long been used as a tool of self-discovery and a way to cultivate inner peace.

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Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Endeavour College of Natural Health

chinese medicine future of wellness

Making the switch from full-time public servant to full-time Acupuncture student

After 18 years in the federal public service, Alf Zollo suddenly had the freedom to choose a new path in life – and so he did, signing up to study Acupuncture in his hometown of Adelaide.

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Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Endeavour College of Natural Health

chinese medicine natural leaders

A potential game-changer for hard-to-find acupuncture points

When Debbie Godson was about 10 years old, her best friend’s father started studying natural medicine. He spoke about it with such enthusiasm that it sparked her interest. But it wasn’t until 20 years later that Debbie had the financial freedom to study…

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Thursday, 10 September 2020

Leah Fehres

chinese medicine

Acupuncture for the treatment of shoulder pain

Shoulder pain is very common and can be defined as pain occurring in and around the articular surfaces of the shoulder girdle, including the glenohumeral (socket), acromioclavicular (AC) and sternoclavicular (SC) joints (Lathia, Jung & Chen 2009, p.…

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Thursday, 3 September 2020

Leah Fehres

chinese medicine

Ask an expert: does acupuncture hurt?

The two questions asked most frequently about acupuncture are “does it hurt?’ and ‘what does it feel like?’

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Friday, 31 July 2020

Leah Fehres

acupressure chinese medicine stress

Soothe stresses with these five acupuncture pressure points

Acupuncture has been soothing stresses and needling niggles for thousands of years but what many people might not realise is that it can be used to treat just about any modern day concern.

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Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Leah Fehres

chinese medicine

The healing heat of moxibustion

As acupuncturists we have a wide range of tools at our disposal to aid in improving our treatment outcomes. Aside from the iconic acupuncture needle, moxibustion could be considered the philosophical Yang to the steel needle Yin of the craft.

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Thursday, 25 June 2020

Leah Fehres

chinese medicine

Modern research reveals the wisdom of ancient acupuncture wonders

Any acupuncturist will have a list of their favourite points for treating poor digestion and low energy. In truth, you could probably count on just one hand which ones they believe are the most effective. Included in this shortlist would undoubtedly be …

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Monday, 11 May 2020

Dr. Stephanie Flockhart

chinese body clock chinese medicine natural health

How to make every day work for you using the ancient Chinese Body Clock

The fast-paced lifestyle our society promotes is generating so much illness and imbalance that it is leaving the majority of people feeling as though they are simply surviving, rather than radiating with the health and energy they desire. We must ask ou…

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