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Studying with Children

Written by Rachel Horn | Thursday, 29 August 2024

mother remote study tips studying

Studying as a young Mother is no easy feat. With two youngins at home, Bachelor of Health Science (Clinical Nutrition) student, Rachel Horn, knows this firsthand. So, how does she do it? She's compiled some of her top tips for juggling study as a young parent.

My journey with studying nutrition began when my little boy was 18 months old. I’ve since had a baby girl and often get asked how I study with a baby and a toddler. Over the past two years, I have found different ways to study with young children.

Preparing for the start of the semester:

  • One week before the semester commences, Endeavour typically releases units in the LMS. The first thing I do is add all assignment due dates, quizzes and exam periods to my calendar. To prepare for exams and assignments, I block out extra time on my calendar two weeks prior so I can focus on additional study.
  • The week before the unit starting, I will also read over the lecture slides and do the learning module. If there are livestreams, I will watch them once they are uploaded to the LMS the following week. Being a week ahead, I tend to not fall behind, even if my little ones become sick or if we have a holiday booked.
  • Before the unit starts, I create folders for each week (I use OneNote) and add additional folders for any exams or assignments. I will add any helpful tips that the lecturer provides to these folders so that when it comes to preparing for exams and assignments, I have them all handy.
  • Having a dedicated workspace with two screens has been a game changer for me; this helps me study more effectively and saves so much time compared to trying to flick back and forth between screens.

Throughout semester:

  • I try to get most study done when my son is at kindy or daycare and my baby is napping. I also try to squeeze in a bit of extra study time and revision when they go to sleep at night. On the days that I study, I like to be super organised, I try to prepare breakfast the night before, like a delicious overnight bircher muesli and have nourishing chicken soups or veggie bread in the freezer to have for lunch.
  • If I’m not able to attend the lectures live, I will watch back and change to 1.5x speed; I will have the lecture open on one screen and OneNote open on the other screen. This saves time and if I need to, I will pause and write additional notes.
  • Making time for daily movement and time outdoors is non-negotiable for me, whether that’s a walk in nature with my little ones, a yoga class, or doing some gardening. This helps with my concentration and staying focused on what I’m studying.

Assignment and exam preparation:

  • I like to use at least one to two days of the study break to prepare for either an upcoming exam or assignment; I find this helps so much with staying on top of my study load.
  • For exams, I record myself on my phone asking myself the practice exam questions, pause, and then give the answer. I then listen back when driving or doing things around the home; it really helps me to memorise the answers.
  • I love chatting with my son about what I’m studying using simple terms, I even draw diagrams to make it easier for me to memorise for exams. He’s become fascinated with the word “why,” and I love his curiosity. Sharing my studies with him and what I’ve been learning has been a really fun experience and defiantly helps me in remembering the content.

I hope you have found these tips helpful, studying nutrition is one of the best things I’ve ever done and I’m so glad that I took the leap and started. Please reach out using the contact details below if you have any questions or would like to connect. I share helpful tips, recipes and my journey of studying with children on my Instagram.

Rachel Horn

Rachel Horn is a current student at Endeavour College studying a Bachelor of Health Science (Clinical Nutrition). Rachel is passionate about helping women, children and families achieve optimal health and wellbeing. She is a mum of two little ones and loves to create easy, nourishing wholefood recipes that the whole family can enjoy.

Follow Rachel's Journey:

Instagram: rachelhorn_nutrition

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