Articles written by Endeavour College of Natural Health
Endeavour College of Natural Health is Australia's largest Higher Education provider of natural medicine courses.
The College is known as the centre of excellence for natural medicine and is respected for its internationally recognised academic teams and high calibre graduates. Endeavour offers higher education Diplomas in Health Science and Bachelor of Health Science degrees in Naturopathy, Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine, Acupuncture Therapies and Chinese Medicine.
Thursday, 1 October 2020
Endeavour College of Natural Health
So much can happen in a year. So, imagine this: after one year of full-time study (or two years part-time), picture yourself opening the door to a new career in natural health. It’s now possible with Endeavour’s Diploma of Health Science.
Monday, 28 September 2020
Endeavour College of Natural Health
future of wellness naturopathy
Before she started a Naturopathy course at Endeavour, Melissa Salmon studied psychology at a big university in Queensland. Although she enjoyed the degree, Melissa felt something was missing.
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Endeavour College of Natural Health
chinese medicine natural leaders
When Debbie Godson was about 10 years old, her best friend’s father started studying natural medicine. He spoke about it with such enthusiasm that it sparked her interest. But it wasn’t until 20 years later that Debbie had the financial freedom to study…
Endeavour College of Natural Health
In Adelaide, there is a flourishing cohort of natural health professionals with their hearts set on giving back to their community as well as supporting each other to succeed.
Monday, 7 September 2020
Endeavour College of Natural Health
Armed with a food science degree, Judy Cho was busy applying for jobs when she realised that she wanted to help people one-to-one as a Nutritionist. It meant returning to university, and this time Judy chose a nutrition course at Endeavour.
Friday, 4 September 2020
Endeavour College of Natural Health
As we continue to ride the wave of COVID-19, one sector that’s huge right now is food and nutrition! Here, Meg Yonson takes a look at the five food trends that she hopes will stay long after this pandemic is gone.
Tuesday, 1 September 2020
Endeavour College of Natural Health
natural health heroes nutrition
Like many people changing their career, Angelica-Hazel Toutounji tested the waters first, dipping her toes into some online subjects before feeling the pull and diving headfirst into a natural health degree.
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Endeavour College of Natural Health
natural health heroes nutrition
On the way to a family beach holiday as a teenager, Meg Yonson picked up a book about molecular medicine. It completely changed how she thought about food.
Friday, 21 August 2020
Endeavour College of Natural Health
future of wellness naturopathy
Naturopathy student Talisa Marsden has more than one good reason for putting her hand up for the World’s Greatest Shave. She understands all too well that there’s more to life than having beautiful long hair.
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Endeavour College of Natural Health
future of wellness naturopathy
While studying nursing in Melbourne, Sarah Paterson worked part-time at a pharmacy. She was shocked by how much medication people took and how little they knew about it. It inspired her to consider an alternative career path.
Friday, 31 July 2020
Endeavour College of Natural Health
natural health heroes naturopathy
Twenty-year-old electrical apprentice Lachlan Mullen felt like he was invincible. That’s until a stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis forced him to completely rethink his life. Seven years on, he’s fit, healthy and empowering others to take control of their he…
Wednesday, 1 July 2020
Endeavour College of Natural Health
When Lani Finau was a teenager, her father gave her some advice about how to succeed in netball. It set her on the path to becoming a nutritionist, and now at 20 years old, she’s almost there.